Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, Procreate
My Role
Editorial design
Dark Pattern is an editorial book to raise awareness about dark patterns while promoting positive computing and ethical design. This book was inspired by the concept of experience design. The book is intended for the readers to be alert and educate themselves from falling into dark patterns. The book illustrates the 12 most commonly seen dark patterns.
Awareness about dark patterns empowers users to make informed decisions while interacting with digital platforms. Raising awareness about dark patterns is not only crucial for protecting user interests but also vital for promoting a more ethical and responsible design culture. Designers need to advocate for the transparency and impact of dark patterns, as well as ethical design culture.
To understand the landscape of dark patterns in digital interfaces I went through several online articles, research articles, and blog posts written by experts, UX/UI designers, and industry professionals. Studied existing case studies that highlighted the consequences of implementing dark patterns in digital design. Also, I explored ethical discussions surrounding dark patterns in design.
Ideation and Conceptualization
The idea for the interactive book was a long process of brainstorming and research. The key question driving the ideation phase was, “How to show dark patterns interestingly”. I explored different zine ideas, and interactive book ideas from other designers along with online platforms that were designed to aware users of dark patterns. Started outlining ideas on how I could depict dark platforms in analog form and started to gather different ideas on how I could interactively show dark patterns.
Paper types
Paper types
Design Element

Body Text: Roboto
Roboto is used as it is one of the most used typeface in online platforms.
Headlines (Headline Pages): Fields Display
Adds a bold and striking element to major sections. Skillfully striking a balance between the weightiness of the topic, "Dark patterns," and the interactive nature of the pages.
Headlines (Interactive Pages): Oswald
Oswald is only used in interactive pages in combination with Roboto to create visual diversity.

Color Palette
Black: Used for all the headlines and body text.
Red: Used in the interactive pages to highlight elements.
White: Used for all the texts printed on black paper or black background

Paper Choices
The book uses four types of color papers black, white, red, and yellow. The inside pages are 120 g/m², and the cover of the book is 250 g/m². All the interactive pages except for doom-scrolling are printed in glossy 135 g/m² to create an effect of online experience
Interaction pages in the book are to engage readers by allowing them to experience dark patterns firsthand. The interactive pages are designed as distinct sections to imitate dark patterns experienced on the internet as much as possible. On the other hand, the explanation pages are to explain each showcased dark pattern with a more classic editorial design. Large texts are used to define the dark pattern and the small text gives more information about it.

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